U$ 299.00
Children's Century Classics (7-volume set)

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The best present you can give a youngster!
Stunningly drawn seven-volume collection. The Bible's timeless tales are brought to life. Some stories contain prophecies that come true.
However, that is not all. Embark in thrilling escapades alongside fearless champions of faith. Daniel, King David, Peter, and John. Learn about God's magnificent plans for the future of our world and how you might play a role in them.
Honesty, integrity, kindness, and charity are the cornerstones of a good character. Your instructors are Paul, Noah, Esther, and countless others from the Bible. Other historical people exemplifying faithfulness, submission, and sacrifice are mentioned in the book, including the reformer Martin Luther, the Wesley brothers (John and Charles), and Hiram Edson. Such examples serve as motivation. Inspire your kids to fearlessly fight for justice.
Above all else, Jesus' miraculous deeds and ministry will reveal His boundless love and power. Your little one will feel supported. Instilling a love for God in your children is within your reach. To those who are God's children, the way forward becomes clear.
Nearly 300 stories and six hundred illustrations
A media-rich companion website (account required) is accessible through QR codes throughout the book.
Members of the website have access to dramatic audio streaming.
A sense of connection and purpose is essential for children. Knowing that God made them in His image and with love is the greatest present you can offer them. Additionally, God has unique purposes for each of their lives. That is precisely what the Children's Century Classics series will teach them.
Each book has 198 pages and is bound in hardback.
Each book measures 7.75 by 9.375 inches.

Book 1: When Time Began
The Fallen Angel, Let There Be Light, God Creates the Animals, In the Image of God, The First Sabbath, The Fall of Adam and Eve, God’s Wonderful Plans for Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah’s Ark, The Flood, Tower of Babel, Job, Call of Abram, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Test of Faith, A Wife for Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s Ladder, Night of Wrestling, Joseph’s Coat and Dreams, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph and His Brothers, Moses, Let My People Go, The Passover, Crossing the Red Sea, Ten Commandments, Idolatry at Sinai, Tabernacle and Its Services, Sin of Nadab and Abihu, Food From Heaven Rejected, Twelve Spies, Rebellion of Korah, Moses Makes a Big Mistake, Fiery Snakes, Great Victory Over Sihon and Og, Balaam and His Talking Donkey, The River Stopped Running.
Book 2: Rise of the Prophets
Fall of Jericho, Achan’s Deception, Tricked by the Gibeonites, The Day the Sun Stood Still, The Earlier Judges, God Chooses Gideon, Gideon’s Army, Victory Over the Midianites, Ruth, Samson, Samson Gets Even, Samson and Delilah, A Mother’s Prayer Answered, God Calls Samuel, The Ark of God Taken, We Want a King!, Saul’s Sacrifice, Saul Rejected as King, Jonathan Wins the Battle, David Anointed King, David Kills the Lion, David Brought Before the King, David and Goliath, King Saul Is Jealous of David, Doeg’s Betrayal, Saul Chases David, David Shows Kindness to Saul, Abigail, David Steals Saul’s Spear, Witch of Endor, David With the Philistines, David Crowned King, The Philistines Defeated, David and Mephibosheth, David and Bathsheba, Absalom, Absalom Rebels, Absalom Killed, David Chooses, Solomon as King.
Book 3: Prophets, Priests, and Kings
God Gives Solomon Wisdom, Wise King, Foolish Mistake, The Kingdom Divided, A Kingdom Turns From God, Elijah Predicts a Drought, Miracle in a Jar, Elijah Raises a Boy to Life, Mount Carmel Showdown, Elijah Flees to Mount Horeb, The Call of Elisha, A Wicked King Becomes a Thief, Elijah and Horses of Fire, Elisha Heals the Water at Jericho, Elisha and the Bears, Ditches of Blood, The Miracle Oil Pots, Resurrected Boy at Shunem, Healing Naaman, The Floating Ax Head, Delivery at Dothan, Jonah and the Whale, A Boy Becomes King, Hezekiah’s Reformation, Hezekiah’s Deliverance From Assyria, Hezekiah’s Sickness, Josiah’s Reformation, Jeremiah, a Man for His Time, Jerusalem Captured, In the Babylonian Court, Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, The Fiery Furnace, Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness, Handwriting on the Wall, In the Lions’ Den, Return of the Exiles, Beauty Queen, A Courageous Queen Saves Her People, Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem, The Coming Deliverer.
Book 4: The Miracle Man
The Mother of Jesus Is Chosen, The Birth of Jesus, The Dedication of Jesus, Wise Men, Jesus in the Temple, The Boy Jesus, John the Baptist, Baptism of Jesus, Wilderness Temptation, We Have Found the Messiah, Jesus’ First Miracle, Jesus Clears the Temple, Nicodemus, Woman at the Well, Healing the Nobleman’s Son, Healing a Lame Man at Bethesda, Hidden Treasure, Death of John the Baptist, Jesus Rejected at Nazareth, Miracle Fish, A Demon in the Church, A Leper Comes to Jesus, Miracles at Peter’s House, Paralytic Healed, Matthew Gets a New Job, Your Disciples Broke the Rules, Twelve Special Men Chosen, Sermon on the Mount, The Foolish Carpenter, Centurion’s Request, Widow’s Son Raised, The Farmer’s Seed, Calming the Storm, Demons on the Beach, Healed by a Touch, Jairus’ Daughter Raised, Only One Gave Thanks, The First Evangelists, Look What I Have, The Great Supper
Book 5: Savior of the World
The Son Who Left His Father, A Small Lunch and, Hungry People, Peter Walks on Water, A Mother’s Great Faith Saves Her Daughter, An Unforgettable Night, Demon-Possessed Boy, Money in a Fish’s Mouth, Blind Man Healed, The Lost Sheep, Good Samaritan, Rich Young Ruler, At the Home of Lazarus, A Lesson on True Greatness
“Lazarus, Come Forth!”, Church Leaders Plan a Murder, Two Prayers, One Answer, Zacchaeus, The Best Gift Jesus Ever Received, The Unforgiving Servant, Jesus’ Triumphal Entry, A Den of Thieves, The Stolen Vineyard, Sheep and Goats, Look for My Return, The Hidden Money, Ten Maidens, First Communion, A Terrible Night in the Garden, Judas Betrays Jesus, Trial Before Annas and Caiaphas, The Man Who Hung Himself, In Pilate’s Judgment Hall, Crucify Him, Calvary, In Joseph’s Tomb, Jesus’ Resurrection, An Empty Tomb, The Walk to Emmaus, Feed My Sheep
Book 6: Way of the Master
God’s Purpose for His Church, Preaching With New Power, Miracle at the Gate, Peter and John in Trouble Again, Ananias and Sapphira, Peter and John Imprisoned, The Stoning of Stephen, Philip and the Ethiopian, Simon the Sorcerer, From Persecutor to Preacher, Dorcas Raised to Life, Peter and the Sheet, Chained Between Two Soldiers, Adventures in Antioch, An Angry Mob Stones Paul, Fighting in Church, Timothy Joins Paul, Earthquake at Midnight, They Turned the World Upside Down!, Who Is the Unknown God?, Paul at Corinth, Healed by a Handkerchief, Success and Danger in Ephesus, A Young Man Falls to His Death, Saved by the Romans, Paul Before the Sanhedrin, A King Almost Becomes a Christian, Shipwrecked!, Paul Is Bitten by a Deadly Snake, Special Armor for God’s Special Forces, Paul Helps a Runaway Slave, Spreading the Gospel From Prison, I Have Fought the Good Fight, Peter Is Faithful to the End, John Is Boiled in Oil, Seven Messages From Seven Churches, A Woman and a Child Hunted by a Dragon, John Receives a Heavenly Vision, God Leads His Church to Success
Book 7: The Greatest Battle
Jerusalem Will Be Destroyed, Satan Tries to Stamp Out the Christian Church, Church of the Dark Ages, The Waldenses, John Wycliffe, Huss and Jerome, Martin Luther as a Young Man, Martin, and the Scary Staircase, Martin Luther Goes to Court, Revival in Switzerland, The French Reformation, Bow or Burn at the Stake, Tyndale the Translator, John Bunyan Jailed, Christians Flee to America, Roger Williams, Saved From a Fire, Two Brothers Dedicated to God, God Is Banned in France, Bloody Moon and Falling Stars, A Little Boy Makes a Big Decision, William Miller, God Chooses a Simple Farmer, Great Disappointment, God Gives a Long, Look Into the Future, God’s Special Day, What’s Going On in the Courts of Heaven?, The Greatest Battle, Satan’s Deadly Tricks, What Happens When We Die?, A Storm Is Coming, The Amazing Word of God, The Final Warning, Time of Trouble for God’s People, Jesus to the Rescue, Locked up for, Years, God’s Perfect Playground, Title Index: Complete List of Stories, Topical Index
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